claim to fame?
maybe not..........
the last year that Barry sheen attended the goodwood revival meeting, myself and a bunch of autograph hunters stopped him (by standing in his way, but he was ok about it) while he was riding a 60's brit motorbike.
he signed for everyone and chatted.
he went to go, but the bike wouldnt fire.
kick start only......
i said, "no problem Barry, i will give you a bump start"........fully expecting him to say sod off, or something similar.
he said, "cheers mate, that would be great" or similar.....
so myself, and the guy i went with are pushing the great man for about 100 yards............he bumps it and it fires......he rides away, glances back, waves.and then he's gone.
something i shall treasure forever and bore the grandchildren shitless about in years to come.