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mr grady
S2 licensed
Perhaps they will be called "Team America"

F*ck Yeah!

only of luck to them.
mr grady
S2 licensed
basically correct.

if you print out the sky chart and held it directly above you, the chart is correct, just as if you layed it on the floor and looked at it.......its "wrong" (east, west)
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Well here's an interesting twist, My Grandad rang up (he's big into astrology and physics) and said that its Sirius. He's a member of a specialist star watching thing and apparently its not Venus.

i thought in the first post mcintyrej said he was looking south west, so to my thinking he was seeing venus.

yes, sirius is bright and very low at the time, but its south east

its one of the two, depending which way you are looking, but for sure its not mars, a comet or the borg coming to assimulate us!
mr grady
S2 licensed
i was ready to bet on it being venus, but i did a check.................and i was right.

the picture is yesterdays sky, at 18.30...just before you posted, and if you look SW, BINGO.

good old venus.

even now when the sky is still light its one of the most common mistaken things for a UFO.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from dawguk :Regardless of what the truth is or is not, it's quite obvious that Ecclestone has lost his head. It's just the poorest business sense, to make information like this publicly known.

Ferrari getting more money than all the other teams is bias towards Ferrari, whether you like it or not. I imagine that if money is so easily pushed around for Ferrari, then there is no reason to assume that other favours aren't also pushed around for Ferrari. If the cap fits ...

best quote from this topic.

can you imagine the outcry if it had been discovered that the lawn tennis association had paid for Roger Federer's training, coach, travel costs, and then let him practise at Wimbledon for weeks before the tournament?
IMO there hasnt been a level playing field in F1 since schumacher joined ferrari. this makes all the non ferrari wins and championships even more deserving.
mr grady
S2 licensed
regardless of the reason(s) for this being brought to the general publics view,
i feel that neither ferrari or ecclestone look very good.
mr grady
S2 licensed
id say 35 to 40 quid

where in the uk are you?
swapping wheels
mr grady
S2 licensed
any of you tech-no minded peeps give me some advice please?

ive got a microsoft FF wheel, which for its age and things, i do like.

i dont like the actual wheel itself.......

what i do have is a wheel from a red logitech momo wheel n pedals.

would it be possible to fit the momo onto the bas of the microsoft wheel, so that it steers well, and i can still use the buttons?

mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :Some more:
Seen Jim Bowen on the motorway being driven in his Rolls Royce. He seem'd to be really miserable. I spoke to the Krankies at Exeter Airport.

bloody hell, im not sure id admit to either of them.

i hope you told the krankies to feck off!

mr grady
S2 licensed
a cold? man-flu?

bunch of wimps.

try chicken pox when you are an adult. if i remember right it kills 5% who catch it.
before the spots came out, id been for a run and its the only time i struggled.
i crawled across the doorstep, and went to to work that night, and spent the entire shift propping myself up. just standing was physically hard.

next beauty was a dose of pleurisy.

without a doubt, the most painful condition ive experienced.

ive read its best discribed as someone slowly sticking a knife into you..........

any others got some wonderful experiences of ailments?

in the meantime................pass the stissues, sniff, sniff.

only kidding....get well soon.
mr grady
S2 licensed
ive been playing bass for about 3 years, and the last 18 months got together with 3 guys from work.

we played our 2nd gig a few weeks ago.
mr grady
S2 licensed
claim to fame?

maybe not..........


the last year that Barry sheen attended the goodwood revival meeting, myself and a bunch of autograph hunters stopped him (by standing in his way, but he was ok about it) while he was riding a 60's brit motorbike.
he signed for everyone and chatted.
he went to go, but the bike wouldnt fire.
kick start only......

i said, "no problem Barry, i will give you a bump start"........fully expecting him to say sod off, or something similar.

he said, "cheers mate, that would be great" or similar.....

so myself, and the guy i went with are pushing the great man for about 100 yards............he bumps it and it fires......he rides away, glances back, waves.and then he's gone.

something i shall treasure forever and bore the grandchildren shitless about in years to come.
mr grady
S2 licensed
what a joy to see this news.

cant wait to see the focus racing

im a bit of a ford fan.....see photo! (2 of the 3 i dont own anymore, but you get the idea!)
mr grady
S2 licensed
My god.........

i love Fords.

and mustangs make me wet!

just going to lie down in a quiet darkened room for a day or two.........
mr grady
S2 licensed
i understand the "no mid race join" option is available, but sitting and waiting to join can be a pain in the *ss at times.

it was just an idea to do away with that annoying wait, but not run the risk of ruining someones race in the pits, even if its for a "serious" race or just for "fun"
Exit garage midrace
mr grady
S2 licensed
Ive just seen a guy lose a winning position because someone joined midrace, left their garage and hit the leader in the pitlane, giving the leader a 30 second time penalty for "speeding".

i guess its a bug, but time after time people join and leave their garage right in front of racers.

can we have a system where you are held in your garage if another car is closing in by driving down the pits?

in a perfect world and if people joining midrace showed some courtesy by looking before pulling out of their garage we wouldnt need this, but hey, its an imperfect world!
mr grady
S2 licensed
one thats near to me.......... ... alisbury/sp3-4de/22399011

the local joke is there is someone called "Miss Mary Likesit" living there

i leave the rest to you.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :I am not a fanboy of hamilton, i do like him a lot and i feel sorry for him the way that the media sometimes make him come across arrogant or bigheaded. IMO he deserved it more than any other driver this season.

I was just reading a forum on the Sun's website about whether hamilton deserved the championship and it is really REALLY annoying reading all the people's comments who clearly have no idea about what actually happened calling the race a "fix". So many people just assume that Glock slowed down for him. Took his foot off the gas. Think he was the only person on slicks in the wet. They haven't even bothered to look at the facts and see the lap times. If Glock slowed down on that last lap then why the hell was he faster than Trulli, the only other driver on slicks. It's a pisstake. Really getting on my nerves, and these are british people... why are so many people against hamilton, a british driver, winning the world championship? What has he done so wrong? Is it a crime that he has a lot of talent which not many other people have?

It just seems like jealousy to me.

because in this country we build people up, just to knock them down again.
im surprised we havnt done it with the olympic guys n gals who did so well.
its the one thing i hate about this nation of ours, and i do admire the way the americans support their countrymen and women when they do well.......even if they do take it to the extreme, but good on 'em!

as for DC staggy, sad to see him go.......ive met him several times and i would rate him as the most "fan friendly" F1 driver. top guy, but he did the right thing and retired when he should have, but he deserved a better race to finish on...........(but you are soooooo wrong about lewis!!)
mr grady
S2 licensed
Toki (hun), you are so bitter.

do you suck on a lemon every morning?
mr grady
S2 licensed
congrats to lewis, a well deserverd champion.

some amazing drives this year, plus some that sucked, but overall, you got what you deserved IMO.

i dont like massa/ferrari, but massa did drive well, maybe he should have been doing that all of this season?

as for the fans?

they discraced themselves big time.

bring on next season, and watch lewis go,go,go...........

(as for you hamy haters..........UNLUCKY!)
mr grady
S2 licensed
can i apologise for my outburst.
i realise now it was wrong to put what i did.

personally i feel that if you cant or wont say something to a persons (hamiltons) face, then you shouldnt post it on a forum.

would you call him "chocolate" to his face?

i doubt it, call him crap, useless maybe..............whatever you think of his DRIVING, not a cheap racest comment.

but i do stand by what i said about the guy said it first..and i would call him what i did to his face for it.

i am fed up with the constant digs at hamilton, by a certain person

i just got angry and annoyed by the fact it semed to be acceptable here to do such a thing..hence my deleted part, which was just an outburtst, nothing more.

if what i posted upset any one then i am sorry.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :SO WHAT?!
People make racist jokes on TV and in theaters all the time and everyone laughs at it. In holland we have a comedian who attracts people of every colour and makes jokes about all of them. They all laugh because they are ridiculed for the colour of their skin and the cultural habits that come along.
Here someone makes a comparison between the colour of chocolate and Hamilton's skin colour - so what? Why would he be racist? What would be the thought behind it? That Hamilton is lame because he's black? If that's what you the reader thinks, maybe have a look at yourself first and wonder why that was the first thing that came up in your head?

Now enough with the distractions and pick up the original topic again.

you surprise me there.

i honestly thought you would stamp on any racist, bad taste or insulting thread or comment.

but i guess now we all have free reign to say whatever we wish, something ive not seen on other forums

apologies for that..................shouldnt type when hot headed!
Last edited by mr grady, .
mr grady
S2 licensed
i was talking about your racist remarks, not anything else.

how about shutting up like you did a while back?
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) : Unfortunately it won't happen.. But I'm sure Kimi will find out something.. Probably he'll do the same that the chocolate dude did in Japan.

what a complete dickhead you have shown yourself to be.
mr grady
S2 licensed
we did "song2" today, and i videoed it for youtube